While we always have ducks year round the pond is also full of other migrating water fowl.
I am showing a copy of the original photo as well as the art image made from it.
Duck 1
The Original, it is a good shot but not really all the spectacular .
I use several image filters and several semi-transparent layers of the image to create this effect.
Duck 2
I like the blue tones and the way the water ripples in this piece
Again I like the composition of the shot, but not find no enough clarity or color in the image as a whole.I thought I would try something different with this photo, so I converted into a B&W image. I have to say I love the way it came out. Soft blue tones contrast well with the black and white, to give it an over all soft feel.
Reflection with tree in purple
This looked good in the camera lens, but very washed out and unfocused
how ever after the filters are applied Wa-Lah a work of art