Saturday, February 5, 2011


With suns first light a familiar shadow
Through roadside bushes runs
Sacred tricksters, shape shifter
Time traveler, friend

His presence announces
shifts in perception and laughter deep
from sunrise till time to sleep

Coyote my brother
when you have come to play
you always
create a most unusual day
***Ah! Ho!***
~Duane~ aka Red Wolf

Coyote is one of my Totem animals he brings what I have learned to call happy accidents into your life.
You  may have a flat tire and a flat spare as well, so that the person who stops to help you 
can meet one of your friends.
Or fall and sprain your ankle,so that you slow down enough in your life
to read the book that helps change your life.
It is always dramatic and intense when coyote is playing around, but the end results are miraculous .
I saw Coyote on the roadside today for me that is a message to be
very aware of what is happening around me.
today it started a creative streak, so I created this image to share with you.


Here are some shot I took today of the ice in the fountain and the pond at work

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Photo Sketches Gothic

 I have been working with my filters and fractal programs again here are 2 photos changed to poster art.
I have been fascinated with the old posters that are mostly black and white , with just a touch of color in the eyes , lips and sometimes in the hair.  So here is what I came up with.

This is my favorite photo of my wife. I took it with some help from my boss, while working as a photographer at a Glamor studio in Colorado. She has an amazing face and wonderful  green /blue eyes, which can turn to red if you piss her off. Only kidding!!!!!  maybe..........  
I wanted to create a bit of a Gothic look  as it is her favorite .
She loves the vampires it was just missing a few drops of blood on her lips which I gladly added.

We call this shot the bow our cat Joey was not too happy about having it in his hair.
I placed myself in B&W and him in color to show that Joey has a way of bring color into my world.

Photos from the well

I took these on what would have been my mothers 74th birthday 2-2-11
Happy Birthday Mom

I have always loved the way this Cat claw tree winds up the cliff the wall just seemed to add some interest.

The reflections in the water are what i like in both of these photos
This was a very cold day only 8 degrees and windy very unusual for our area of the world. but made for great ripples in the water.

The out let at the well

Work photos

It is rare that one gets to work at beautiful  place that they love.
here are a few photos taken 1-30-11 while on a walk at work