With suns first light a familiar shadow
Through roadside bushes runs
Sacred tricksters, shape shifter
Time traveler, friend
His presence announces
shifts in perception and laughter deep
from sunrise till time to sleep
Coyote my brother
when you have come to play
you always
create a most unusual day
***Ah! Ho!***
~Duane~ aka Red Wolf
Coyote is one of my Totem animals he brings what I have learned to call happy accidents into your life.
You may have a flat tire and a flat spare as well, so that the person who stops to help you
can meet one of your friends.
Or fall and sprain your ankle,so that you slow down enough in your life
to read the book that helps change your life.
It is always dramatic and intense when coyote is playing around, but the end results are miraculous .
I saw Coyote on the roadside today for me that is a message to be
very aware of what is happening around me.
today it started a creative streak, so I created this image to share with you.
today it started a creative streak, so I created this image to share with you.